One last function provided by the Test module, is the skip() function. 由Test模块提供的最后一个函数是skip()。
If you're not working on things that are likely to break that test, you might want to skip the long-running test method to speed up your compile-test-debug cycle. 如果您不在做可能会中断该类测试的事情,那么您可能想要跳过运行时间长的测试方法,以缩短编译-测试-调试周期。
This can be made a skip test to try to ping localhost if apache is in the process list. 如果apache在进程列表中,则可以进行skip测试以尝试ping本地主机。
Skip Test and Deploy-Use this button to deploy the database pool even if the database might not be available for testing at this particular time. SkipTestandDeploy&使用这个按钮部署数据库池,而不测试数据库当前是否可用。
Skip Test and Show Plan-Use this button to show the deployment plan that Geronimo uses for this pool. SkipTestandShowPlan&使用这个按钮显示Geronimo对这个池使用的部署计划。
If you do not want to run the test, click Skip Test. 如果不想测试,请单击略过测试。
The scaffold's test_new() does not introduce any new concepts, so we'll skip it. Next, then, is test_create() testnew()中没有什么新内容,所以我们这里就略过不讲,直接进入testcreate()
But how many math teachers are there who skip this unnecessary problems and complain about their students not passing the class or the test? 但有多少数学教师忽略掉多余的题目,而去抱怨他们的学生不能通过考试呢?
The theoretical analysis of center of gravity of 10m  ̄ 3 bearing skip car and test of its fatigue strength of rear axle 10m~3承载料车重心的理论分析及后轴的疲劳强度校核